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Board of Governors and committees 2023



— January 2024

Chair of the Board of Governors
Catherine Lagneau

Government Commissioner
Florence Riou

Representing the ministers for:
Didier Marquer, Policy Officer for Earth Sciences, Georesources and Geotechnologies, Research and Innovation Directorate 
Deputy: Fatima Laggoun, CNRS Research Director and Policy Officer for "Continental Surfaces and Interfaces", Research and Innovation Directorate (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)

Anne-Cécile Rigail, Head of the Technological Risks Department
Deputy : Jean-Luc Perrin, Deputy Director for Chronic Risks and Coordination (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Regional Cohesion - DGPR)

Tristan Dufes, Deputy Director for Strategic Sectors, Economic Diplomacy Directorate
Deputy : Pierre Robion, Head of the Energy Division, Strategic Sectors Sub-Directorate, Economic Diplomacy Directorate (DE/STRAT), (Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs) 

Natacha Ephimoff, Deputy Director for Higher Education and Research (DCERR/ESR), Directorate General for Globalisation, Culture, Education and Development
Deputy : Leïla Chabane, Head of Division for Operators and Sector Strategies (DGM/DCERR/ESR), (Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Michel Schmitt, Engineer General for Mines, Chairman of the "Innovation, Competitiveness, Modernisation" section, General Economic Council
Deputy: Hélène Le Du, Engineer-General for Mines, General Economic Council (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty)

Louis Pasquier de Franclieu, Deputy Assistant Director, 3rd Sub-Directorate, Budget Directorate
Deputy: Arnaud Wieber, Head of Department for Energy, State Holdings, Industry and Innovation, 3BEPII Department, Budget Directorate (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty)

Guglielmina Toro, Assistant Deputy Director for Protection and Management of Water and Mineral Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems, Directorate for Water and Biodiversity, General Directorate for Spatial Planning, Housing and Nature
Deputy : Jean-François Gaillaud, Head of the Sub-Directorate for the Protection and Management of Water and Mineral Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems, Water and Biodiversity Directorate (Ministry of Ecological Transition and Regional Cohesion)

Members selected for their particular expertise:
Anne Besnier, Vice-President, Delegate for Higher Education and Research, Centre-Val de Loire Regional Council 
Pierre-Alain Gautier, Director, Corporate Affairs & Partnerships - ERAMET Group 
Sylvie Joussaume, Research Director,CNRS, IPSL/Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Science,
Marc Chaussidon, Director, Paris Institute of Planetary Physics 

BRGM staff representatives:
Marie-Christine Dictor (CFDT), Nicolas Frissant (CFDT), Daniel Raucoules (CFDT), Denis Thiéblemont (CGT), Caroline Ricordel (CFE/CGC), Pierre Vassal (CFE/CGC)

Economic and financial auditing:
Bruno Rossi, Jean-Pascal Codine


— April 2024

Vincent Lagneau, 
Director, Geosciences Centre at the École des Mines  (Paris, France)

Philippe Agard,
Professor, Sorbonne University (Paris, France)

Xavier Arnault De Sartre,
Professor at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (Pau, France)

Hélène Barucq,
Director of Research at INRIA (Pau, France)

Hélène Budzinski,
CNRS/INEE Research Director (UMR EPOC) (Bordeaux, France)

Philippe Charvis,
Director for Science, IRD (Marseille, France)

Tirza Van Daalen,
Director of the Netherlands Geological Survey - TNO (Pays-Bas)

Anne Le Friant,
Research Director CNRS/INSU - IPGP (Paris, France)

Stéphane Guillot,
CNRS/INSU Research Director, Risk Delegate to the CNRS General Directorate (Paris, France)

Michel Jebrak
Professor Emeritus at the Université du Québec in Montreal (Canada)

Patrick Landais
Specialist in energy transition issues and subsurface uses, ex-CEA (retired)

Anne Laurent
Professor at the University of Montpellier (Montpellier, France)

Louis Londe
Technical and Innovation Director at GEOSTOCK (Paris, France)

Christelle Marlin
Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay (Paris, France)

Valérie November
Research Director at CNRS, affiliated to the LATTS laboratory, École des Ponts, Université Paris-Est (Paris, France)

Judith Sausse
Director of the École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (Nancy, France)

Olivier Vidal
Research Director at CNRS/IS Terre (Grenoble, France)

Ralph Watzel
Director of the German Geological Survey - BGR (Germany)


— January 2024

Jean Lamy, Former Ambassador

Pierre Robion, Head of the Energy Division, Strategic Sectors Sub-Directorate, Economic Diplomacy Directorate - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs 

Özlem Adiyaman Lopes, UNESCO

Theresa Ponce de Leão, Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG), Portuguese Geological Survey

Denis Favier, Safety Director - TotalEnergies Group

Rémi Pelon, Senior Mining Specialist - World Bank

Céline Adrien,  Director of the EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) secretariat 

Louis Maréchal, Head of Minerals and Extractive Sector - OECD

Vanessa Salas-Pouget, Head of the Energy Unit - (Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs)

Rokhaya Samba Diene, Director of Exploration and Promotion of mining at the Ministry of Mines and Geology of Senegal, and President of the Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS)

Yadh Zahar, Professor of Higher Education at the Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie (EPT) and Director of the VDEC Laboratory (Sustainable Cities and Built Environment)

Jean Launay, President of the French Water Partnership (PFE) 
ou Marie-Laure Vercambre, Director General of the PFE

Frédéric Maurel, Deputy Head of the Water and Sanitation Division - AFD

Didier Marquer, Policy Officer for Earth Sciences, Georesources and Geotechnologies, Research and Innovation Directorate (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)

Hervé Boisguillaume, Deputy Director of Strategy, Partnerships and General Affairs 
ou Chahoul Gaffar, Head of Partnerships, Operators, and Projects Office (Ministry of Ecological Transition and Regional Cohesion)


— Janvier 2024

Nathalie Collignon (ORANO) 
Innovation Director (Châtillon, France)

Jimmy Klinger (SLB) 
Technology Centre Director  (Montpellier, France)

Gilles Boulanger (SUEZ) 
Director of CIRSEE (Le Pecq, France)

Olivier Bouc (CCR) 
Prevention & Innovation Advisor (Paris, France)

Chloé Clair (NamR) 
CEO (Paris, France)

Olivia Touzé (BPIfrance) 
Innovation Delegate and Credit Manager (Maisons-Alfort)


— January 2024

Ministry of economy, finance and industrial and digital sovereignty
By delegation, the Director General of Development, Housing and Nature

Representing the ministry of ecological transitions and regional cohesion
Director for Water and Biodiversity
Director-General for Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility
Director-General for Energy and Climate
Director-General for the Prevention of Risks

Representing the ministry of higher education and research
Director-General for Research and Innovation

Representing the ministry of agriculture and food sovereignty
Deputy Director for Environmental Performance and Regional Development

Representing the ministry of labour, health and solidarity
Director-General for Health

Representing the ministry of the interior and french overseas territories and departments
Director-General for Civil Defence and Crisis Management
Director-General for Overseas France

Representing the ministry of culture
Director-General for Heritage and Architecture

Chair of the BRGM science committee

BRGM chair & ceo


— January 2024

Marie-Madeleine Mialot-Muller

Jean-Pascal Codine
Jean-Luc Perrin
Louis Pasquier de Franclieu
Marie-Christine Dictor
Denis Thieblemont
Pierre Vassal

Government Commissioner
Florence Riou