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2023 highlights

1 January

BRGM takes over the chair of EuroGeoSurveys 

On 1 January 2023, Christophe Poinssot, Deputy Managing Director of BRGM, took over the chair of EuroGeoSurveys for two years. BRGM is a driving force behind the European construction industry in the field of Earth Sciences and took part in establishing EuroGeoSurveys (EGS), the association of European geological surveys (with 37 members), which has just celebrated its 50th anniversary. Founded in Orléans, EuroGeoSurveys is now based in Brussels, close to the European Commission.

2 February

BRGM is poised to address the challenges of the geothermal action plan

As part of the renewable energy acceleration plan, the Energy Transition Minister, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, presented the Government's action plan to speed up the deployment of geothermal energy, alongside François Bayrou, the High Commissioner for the Plan.

In particular, BRGM will contribute to the following: 

  • Finalising the regional mapping of small-scale regulatory geothermal energy zones; 
  • Regulatory adjustments for a number of surface geothermal systems; 
  • Continuing to collect, analyse and disseminate the available subsurface data, in particular through the development of a decision-making tool for vertical geothermal heat exchangers; 
  • Improving subsurface knowledge to encourage the initiation of deep geothermal projects.
8 February

Renewal of the BRGM – Suez partnership

Under the agreement signed between Suez and BRGM, the two organisations will complement each other's capacities in the areas of water and the environment. This reflects the wishes of both organisations to strengthen and sustain their existing long-term cooperation. The agreement covers eight major themes: groundwater resources, materials recycling, metrology, emerging pollutants and isotopes, geothermal energy, carbon capture, usage and storage (CO2, CCUS, H2), contaminated soils and sediments and their rehabilitation, the mining environment and rehabilitation of mining sites. 

13 February

Launch of a vast research programme for the sustainable use of the subsurface in France

This priority research and equipment programme (PEPR), called "The Subsurface: a common good" was launched on 13 February and will last seven years. It is managed by BRGM and CNRS, with the involvement of 35 public organisations and laboratories. It aims to identify and anticipate possible future uses of the subsurface in France and provide a more exhaustive assessment of the potential. 

Five priority uses of the subsurface have been identified: mineral resources, deep geothermal energy, the storage of various gases such as CO2, hydrogen or methane, research on native hydrogen and urban infrastructures. And five specific study sites have been targeted: the centre of the Paris Basin (for urban subsurface management), French Guiana (for conflicts of use in regional development), the "Rhine Graben" (for its deep geothermal potential), the Aquitaine basin (for the storage of emerging geo-resources and energy uses), and the Massif Central (for its mineral and geothermal potential). 

For each of these uses, scientists will analyse the potential and model future national demand, as well as the conditions and impacts of possible exploitation. The programme should also help develop new exploration and exploitation technologies, better integrate environmental constraints and take greater account of social and economic issues, while promoting the development of governance and legal instruments.

10 March

Partnership agreement between BRGM and the geological survey of the Democratic Republic of Congo

On the occasion of the State visit of the French President to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Christophe Poinssot – Deputy Managing Director of BRGM – and Professor Kampata Dona – Managing Director of the DRC’s Geological Survey (SGN-C) – signed a bilateral partnership agreement on 4 March 2023. 

This new agreement will help SGN-C to deploy an efficient geological data management system, improve knowledge of the DRC's subsurface and prepare responsible-mining pilot projects for the energy transition.

21 March

BGR and BRGM sign a new agreement to reinforce their partnership

Ralph Watzel – President of Germany's Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) – and Christophe Poinssot – Deputy Managing Director of BRGM – signed a new partnership agreement at the 54th EuroGeoSurveys General Meeting in Dublin (Ireland). 

BGR and BRGM notably intend to further develop their partnership concerning critical raw materials and reinforce the exchange of data and expertise between DERA, the German Mineral Resources Agency, and the French Observatory of Mineral Resources for Industrial Sectors (OFREMI).

24 March

Inauguration of MIMAROC

At the Orléans science centre, BRGM inaugurated MIMAROC, a new 4D tomography platform. MIMAROC creates images of the evolution of geo-materials on a nanometric scale under conditions representative of those existing underground. 

MIMAROC can be used to observe the behaviour of geological samples subjected to different heat, hydrological, mechanical and chemical conditions, in particular to reproduce the conditions generated by technologies that use the subsurface. 

The tests will be carried out in 4D (including the time dimension). The models produced can then be used to predict the development of underground energy or waste storage, for example, or the re-injection of geothermal fluids 

31 March

Signing of the new objectives, resources and performance contract (COMP) for 2023-2027 between the state and BRGM

On 31 March 2023, BRGM signed its new objectives, resources and performance contract for 2023-2027 with the French government. The new COMP was signed by BRGM's four supervisory ministries in the presence of: 

  • Sylvie Retailleau, Minister for Higher Education and Research;
  • Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, representing the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty; 
  • Cédric Bourillet, Director of the Directorate General for Risk Prevention, representing the Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and the Minister for Energy Transition. 

The main lines of the 2023-2027 COMP are an ambitious scientific policy designed to improve subsurface contributions to societal needs, the development of BRGM's impact on society through innovation and expertise, and management to support the ecological and energy transition. With one substantial change: a commitment of resources from the State, which strongly reaffirms the roles entrusted to the organisation.

4 April

Société du Grand Paris (SGP) and BRGM strengthen their partnership

BRGM and Société du Grand Paris (SGP), responsible for the future Grand Paris Express metro, have strengthened their scientific partnership established in 2020 by signing a new agreement. Its aim is to use collected subsurface data to improve understanding of the ground and subsurface with a view to responding to a range of development and management issues in the Ile-de-France region, such as the drinking water supply, flood risk management, water quality, geothermal energy, geotechnics, etc. 

Two agreements have been signed: the first concerns the provision of Grand Paris Express data, in particular access to the SGP's SONGE database and its core sample collection. The second concerns the inclusion of borehole data from the SONGE database in BRGM's Subsurface Data Bank (BSS).

12 April

Social networks: BRGM wins a Top Com d'or award

Along with the agency Néologis, BRGM was awarded a prize for its "Ambassadors on social networks" programme at the "Top Com Grands Prix Corporate Business 2023" awards. Since 2019, around one hundred employees, either scientists or support staff, have been receiving training and assistance from BRGM's Communication team concerning the use of social networks. The aim is to give these non-specialists in the field of communication certain key tools to help them improve the way they communicate on social networks and encourage them to post about their work. 

Participation in this initiative is on a volunteer basis. The programme raises awareness about the scientific projects carried out by BRGM, and the major societal issues in which it is involved. The Ambassadors programme also responds to a demand from employees, more and more of whom publish posts on social networks about professional topics.

22 May

Launch of the "IRiMa" PEPR

The IRiMa research programme (Integrated Risk Management for more resilient societies in an era of climate change) was launched on 22 May 2023 at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris. Jointly led by BRGM, CNRS and Grenoble-Alpes University, this eight-year exploratory priority research and equipment programme (PEPR) brings together over 30 partner organisations and laboratories.

The IRiMa programme aims to formally define a new "science of risk" in order to help build a strategy for managing risks and disasters and their impacts, against a backdrop of global changes. To achieve this, the programme has implemented a series of research projects and expert studies to speed up the transition to a society capable of dealing with a whole series of new threats by adapting and becoming more resilient and sustainable. It aims to provide analyses and develop innovative tools that will help detect, understand, quantify, anticipate and manage risks and disasters.

22 June

Ground movements of karstic origin: a methodological guidebook

BRGM and Cerema published a guidebook for assessing and mapping the risks of karst-related ground movements. It is intended for authorities and companies involved in spatial planning and construction. Created for the Directorate General for Risk Prevention (DGPR) at the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the guidebook is divided into three parts:

  • A state-of-the art review of the description of karst systems (literature review).
  • A presentation of ground movements that can occur on the surface and the main factors (or criteria) that cause them.
  • A hazard-assessment methodology, with a presentation of the data required for this work.
21 September

Publication of Geosciences no. 27: “energy transition, subsurface solutions”

Issue 27 of BRGM's Géosciences magazine investigates subsurface solutions: geothermal energy (the government's geothermal energy plan, geothermal energy in urban areas), CO2 storage, heat storage and a mix of these different solutions with other sources of renewable energy (solar, biomass, wind, etc.). It also looks at access to mineral resources, which will be vital to the success of the energy transition. Lastly, this issue looks at the conditions for developing the use of the subsurface as part of the energy transition, with particular emphasis on the need to involve the public in decision making.

From 10 to 13 October

Pollutec trade fair 2023

Pollutec is a key event for environmental professionals as well as a showcase of environmental solutions for industry, cities and regions. BRGM presented its expertise on its stand and as part of several conferences. It was able to present its solutions for water resource management, the energy transition, climate-related risks and adaptation to climate change, waste management, the circular economy and remediation of polluted sites.

12 October

Agreement between Mongolia’s geological survey and BRGM

During the State visit to France by the Mongolian President from 10 to 13 October 2023, BRGM signed a partnership agreement with the Mongolian Geological Survey at the Élysée Palace, in the presence of Ambassador Ulambayar Nyamkhuu and the two Heads of State, Ukhnaa Khutelsukh and Emmanuel Macron. The purpose of this agreement is to undertake various projects of common interest that will enable Mongolia to better determine and exploit its critical metal resources. 

13 October

Nouvelle-Aquitaine: new agreement signed for the period 2022-2027 to monitor changes to the coastline

The French government, the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and their partners renewed their support for the Observatoire de la Côte de Nouvelle-Aquitaine through a partnership agreement covering the period 2022-2027. As co-funder of the observatory with joint responsibility for technical issues alongside the ONF, BRGM will be involved in a number of strategic objectives: 

  • implement and optimise monitoring and surveillance of coastal change; 
  • provide expertise and assistance to all those involved in coastal management; 
  • strengthen the regional resource centre on coastal dynamics and make data more readily available; 
  • share knowledge, using it in communicating with different audiences; 
  • consolidate flexible and appropriate organisational and operational processes.
20 October

Adapting to climate change: an agreement between BRGM and the ministry of the armed forces

The collaboration between BRGM and the Defence infrastructure department (SID) has been renewed for five years. Initiated in 2017, the agreement between the SID and BRGM structures scientific cooperation between the two organisations in terms of research and development in a number of areas, including: improving pyrotechnic diagnostics, managing and recovering used sand from firing ranges, and the resilience of infrastructures to climate change. In this way, BRGM is drawing upon its expertise to boost the resilience of the French armed forces.

2 November

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: cooperation on strategic minerals

Catherine Lagneau, BRGM Chair, accompanied the French President on his State visit to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. A declaration of intent was signed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of strategic minerals to support the energy transition. 

BRGM will contribute to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the field of strategic minerals. The aim is to build resilient, well balanced and diversified supply chains for strategic minerals, in compliance with rigorous social, environmental and governance standards.
