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Sustainable development

A comprehensive CSR policy that is expanding and gathering pace

As an integral part of its strategy and its 2023-2027 Contract of Objectives, Resources and Performance (COMP), BRGM's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy continues to develop and take shape. Designed and led by an enhanced team, it covers social, ethical and environmental issues and focuses particularly on reducing the carbon footprint of the institute.

In 2023, BRGM finalised its first carbon assessment (scopes 1, 2 and 3) using data from 2019, which was chosen as the reference year. This was then used as the basis for an initial transition plan - the foundation stone of the future Sustainable Development and CSR master plan - comprising around twenty priority activities. "Half of them are aimed at improving data collection with a view to refining the measurement and management of our environmental footprint, which we will calculate every year in order to assess improvements and identify areas for improvement," explains Philippe Sabourault, CSR Manager, who states the objective as follows: a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 5 years. 

Particular emphasis is placed on purchasing, which is responsible for most of BRGM's emissions. "We want to introduce quantitative, in addition to just qualitative, questions into our consultations on the carbon footprint of the product or service on offer. The answers we receive will help us to assess the environmental impact of our offer and will contribute to the calculation of our carbon footprint. This approach will also stimulate positive dynamics among our suppliers."

Other steps have been initiated or are being pursued, particularly in the area of mobility, with employee travel accounting for a quarter of the emissions. Renewal of the fleet with less carbon-intensive electric or hybrid vehicles is continuing, along with the deployment of new charging points. A modal shift towards soft mobility, in particular cycling, is encouraged through participation in events such as Mai à vélo and its Cycle Activity Challenge. In addition, alternatives such as video conferencing are being promoted to reduce business travel.

Building stock renovation

With regard to energy consumption, the move towards savings has gathered pace since 2022, following the war in Ukraine. In addition to the transition to less carbon-intensive energy sources (electric boilers, heating network), this involves a strategy to renovate the building stock at the Orléans site on the basis of an energy assessment of the buildings that were constructed between 1968 and 2003. The first studies were carried out in 2023. "The resulting renovation plan will also optimise the use of space for remote working and hence the energy consumption involved. It will also make the buildings more accessible to people with disabilities.

This aspect of BRGM's Diversity and Inclusion policy (see this page) was expanded in 2023 with the implementation of a new institutional agreement and consideration of all disabilities, both visible and invisible (epilepsy, endometriosis, colour blindness, autism, etc.). The agenda for the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, for example, included a range of events to raise awareness of neurodiversity and make BRGM an ever more disability-friendly establishment. Consideration has also been given to the situation of employees who need carers, in order to better meet their expectations. Finally, in terms of ethics, the institution intends to revitalise its system for guaranteeing ethics and integrity in its scientific and expert activities by overhauling its dedicated governance, stepping up employee training and spreading 


Electric vehicle charging point. 19 charging points were installed at the Orléans science centre in 2023. © BRGM - A. Legendre

A sound approach to continuous performance improvement

The two quality and environmental management system (QEMS) certifications - ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 - have been confirmed for 2023. "The QEMS is both a structuring and a management tool, demonstrating the attention BRGM pays to satisfying its internal and external stakeholders, complying with regulations and controlling the environmental impact of its activities," stresses Hervé Riolland, Head of the Risk Prevention and Quality Auditing Department.

Risk prevention was also expanded in 2023. The introduction of a quarterly review of the analyses required prior to any project means that the main risks can be identified and steps can be taken or adapted to control them. For its part, the project review introduced in 2022 provides feedback from project managers. More than 500 forms were received last year. Processing them helps to optimise BRGM's performance in terms of project management and the environmental impact of its activities.

In our consultations, we want to introduce quantitative, in addition to just qualitative questions on the carbon footprint of the product or service on offer. On the basis of the answers we receive, we will assess the environmental impact of our services
Prénom de l'auteur
Nom de l'auteur
Métier de l'auteur
Head of CSR
Prénom de l'auteur
Nom de l'auteur
Métier de l'auteur
Head of Risk Prevention and Quality Auditing