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The BRGM Group

CFG: Structuring and investment

2023 will be remembered as a landmark year for geothermal energy, in particular through the geothermal energy plan presented in February 2023, "an action plan to accelerate", one of the objectives of which is to increase the number of deep geothermal energy projects in France by 40%.

Thanks to political impetus, geothermal energy is positioning itself as a credible alternative for meeting the major challenges of the energy transition. 

With its leading position in its markets, CFG has certainly benefited from a favourable economic climate, but has also been able to seize opportunities through efficient new approaches, thereby establishing its reputation with long-standing customers. 

In order to meet its ambitions as set out in the “Ambitions 2030” strategic plan, the priorities have been to recruit new staff, particularly to strengthen its production teams, but also to develop new market segments. 

Six new employees joined the Group in 2023 and since their recruitment, they are currently being groomed so that they are fully operational for the 2024 financial year.

CFG is now active in the geothermal energy market, offering geothermal energy to industrial sites to help them make the transition to a carbon-neutral energy future. Positioning ourselves in these markets requires a specific sales approach and agility, and in 2023 there were a number of changes in the way we operate. 

As a result of its consolidation and involvement in the sector, CFG has taken part in preliminary studies to help minimise the risks to the resource in areas where it is less well known, notably in the west of the Paris region, in Hauts-de-France and in the Rhone corridor.

The Dogger underground project management business in the Paris region was buoyant, with drilling of the Saint Denis doublet and a first doublet at Pantin - Les Lilas. Preliminary studies carried out as part of project management assignments at Villetaneuse, Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (Paris Airport) and Dugny-Le-Bourget will culminate in the drilling of boreholes scheduled for 2024. 

In terms of innovations, 2023 will remain a major year with the completion of the first all-composite doublet at Champigny-sur-Marne and the development of an innovative approach to the resources of related substances in geothermal brines. This approach has enabled CFG, as part of a partnership with Beicip-Franlab, to offer manufacturers technical solutions for optimising their strategy for mobilising lithium resources in France. 

After two years devoted to obtaining exclusive exploration licences in island regions (Réunion, Mayotte, Guadeloupe and Martinique) for electricity production, 2023 was a year of transition and support for project owners in preparing additional exploration and scheduling future drilling. 

Also in 2023, the supervision of the programme for three new boreholes on the Bouillante concession was completed, all of them successfully.

As part of what can be described as a classic year for maintenance and operational monitoring, CFG has decided to revitalise its activities in the field of corrosion-related microbiology expertise. Two leads have already been identified: research into innovative solutions for quantifying bacteria in an anaerobic environment, and the development of improved services for detecting leaks in underground pipes. 

After an excellent 2022 FY in terms of results, boosted by a number of exceptional items, 2023 will be a year of investment and getting up to speed in order to provide the best responses to the many demands generated by a dynamic and growing market. 


Drilling rig, Champigny-sur-Marne. © Océane DURIER

CEO: Éric Lasne
Turnover: €5.300 M
SAGEOS holding: 50%
Beicip-Franlab holding: 50%
Staff: 25 employees

Visit the CFG website

Portrait de l'auteur
Éric Bertet CEO of CFG
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