Risks and spatial planning
Increasing local and regional resilience by improving the control of risks and their impacts
Drone surveillance of the cliffs along the coastal road in Urrugne. © Observatoire de la Côte Aquitaine/Com’ by AVM
Climate change and pressure on local and regional communities increase their vulnerability to natural hazards and anthropogenic pollution. A co-director of the IRiMa PEPR, BRGM is contributing to the development in France of an integrated approach to the risk chain, from prevention to adaptation via crisis management support, in order to further sustainable spatial planning at local and regional level.
It is particularly active in coastal areas, with tools for monitoring, modelling and supporting the redevelopment of these areas, which are vulnerable to erosion and exposed to the risk of coastal flooding. BRGM has also developed specific expertise in managing and monitoring former mining or industrial sites and remediating contaminated soil.